Black Rat Traders


Jack Goldsworthy

Jack Goldsworthy

Jack, like most of the crew, served on the Renown before the take-over. Yet unlike the other members of the crew, with the exception of Rovalan, he was a commissioned officer, hence his appointment to the post of Second Officer in the aftermath.

Jack served on three Empire vessels before coming to the Renown. It was rumoured that he had had a fellow officer on a previous ship beaten to death after Jack was found trying to sabotage the main mast and her sails. The veracity of this information cannot be confirmed.

Scheming, lazy and untrustworthy, he was demoted for dereliction of duty during the Gathering 1105. A sudden reinstatement and awarding of high rank should have alerted the rest of the crew that he was in on the Captain's plot to sell out the vessel. He became Rovalan's 1st Officer and right-hand man. Jack was wanted in the eyes of the Black Rats, with Capt. Telbar planning to make an end of him.

Jack picked up the nickname "Goldsworthless" amongst the Black Rat crew and survived Rovalan's suicidal attack on the great pirate Blackbeard. He arrived at the Gathering 1106 with the Harts faction, reputedly with his own ship and crew and with a bounty of 10 Gold Pieces on the heads of Naeathisar and Telbar. He was encountered - alone - by Boatswain Scrippy and Boatswain's Mate Sparrow, who gave him a thoroughly good beating.

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