Black Rat Traders


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24th August 1105

The crew were summoned to orders and all accounted for.

Chosen men will be honoured and awarded the 'White Sash'.

The ship is in good order. A full test of the catapults and ballistae proved successful - all 74 launched on accurate horizons.

The Stay Sail needs attention, as does the mizzen Topsail and the Bowsprit.

The artillery crews will remain aboard during our excursion, wnder the command of Midshipman Harper. I have left instructions for the quarterdeck and forecastle to be re-shined as the weather has eaten away at the wood.

We will reach land tomorrow, at about 6 Bells of the afternoon watch .

I have designated Lt. Ironsword to carry this Ship's Log throughout the excursion and make all relevant entries.

Signed this day Wednesday, 24th August 1105
Rovalan's signature

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