Black Rat Traders


Pirate ship animated GIF

6th August 1109

Lugus came aboard the Astral Silver and we set off for the Tarantula-hosted moot. As you might expect from that faction, the nearer we got, the darker and wetter it got until we were enveloped by all-encompassing gloom. Once we set up camp it soon became - again as you might expect - infested by spiders.

Lugus retired early and I went to the tavern. It was a worthwhile venture as i met up with Tine, the Militia 2 i/c and established that we could sign up and get some training. I also met Lady Driftwood, who was a bit evasive about the money she owes us for bodyguarding her at the last moot. Tine reminded her that our services are recorded in the Militia log, so I am confident that we will get our payment.

Signed this day Thursday 6th August 1109
Telbar's signature

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