Black Rat Traders


Styker Byle

Stryker Byle

The Black Sheep of a well-to-do family, Stryker fled to sea to escape the disapproval of his father and the disappointment of his mother. He was part of the original rebellion against the Empire's press-ganging officers. He had served with Rovalan on two ships before the Renown.

After the mutiny on the Renown, in which Rovalan was voted in as Captain, Stryker decided to remain part of the crew and serve as Boatswain's Mate and privateer on the newly renamed Black Rat.

Stryker could be annoying and somewhat disruptive, but proved his worth in close combat. He stayed with Lugus and the crew when Rovalan took the Black Rat and was made a Midshipman by Lugus when he assumed the captaincy. He stayed aboard the Black Rat as its temporary commander during the Gathering 1106, and was promoted to 1st Lieutenant when Telbar Yug took command.

Stryker Byle died in the line of duty in 1107.

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